Having more than 56 Protected Areas (PA) of different categories, Bangladesh is a naturally enriched country of diverse ecosystems, and vast floral and faunal resources. These PAs, serving as the most important zones in the country for conservation of wildlife biodiversity, are maintained and managed under the jurisdiction of Bangladesh Forest Department (BFD). However, with continuous population pressure, human encroachment on wilderness and natural resources, and landscapes, the resources and wildlife of our country are declining at an alarming rate. Over exploitation, illegal hunting, and trade, in this respect, have driven a number of endemic species to extinction in the last few decades, and lack of awareness regarding this issue in the mass population has destroyed many prominent biodiversity hotspots.
As such, to facilitate proper research and effective conservation initiatives, POJF has conducted the project Knowledge sharing and developing Protected Area Management System in five PA’s in Bangladesh to Conserve Wildlife (SRCWP) in 5 PAs of Bangladesh. Documenting information about existing wildlife, natural resources, and prospective conservation initiatives in these sites, POJF has conducted grassroots campaigns to ensure sincere involvement of all stakeholders, especially local communities living in and around the 5 PAs. Designing and developing 5 detailed research-based Video Documentation on the wildlife species and their ecological role in all the PAs, POJF has significantly contributed in preparation of the PA management systems. Ensuring peoples’ participation for successful conservation and protection efforts, POJF has also conducted data collection, group formation and skill development workshop, Income Generating Activities (IGA) skills development, child education on environment, women empowerment, environmental awareness, and connectivity to nature, capacity building of BFD staff and forest management and training.


The Country Environmental Assessment, jointly conducted by the Bangladesh government and the World Bank, has identified air pollution as the leading cause of mortality and morbidity related to environmental issues in Bangladesh. In fact, the severity of the crisis and the health burden of air pollution has been found to be comparable to that of access to clean water and sanitation. Addressing this extreme level of urban air pollution could potentially be saving 1,200 to 3,500 lives annually and avoid 80 to 230 million cases of illness. In this context, POJF, in association with the Department of Environment of the Bangladesh Government, has conducted the Combating Air Pollution with Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (CASE) Project.
Under this project POJF has designed, led, and implemented a nationwide Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) Campaign to fight the evils of air pollution. Facilitating mass multimedia campaigns, POJF has produced and telecast TVC, TV Talk Shows, and Roundtable Discussions. Facilitating nationwide print media campaigns POJF has produced and published newspaper advertisements, leaflets, booklets, banners, posters and stickers. POJF has also conducted ground level campaigns, seminars, workshops, focus group discussions, yard meetings, and training sessions. The project achievements include rising awareness among the mass people, inclusive approach towards the local people living in the Protected Areas, ensuring their participation, successfully conducting group formation and skill development workshops. The project has also facilitated knowledge transfer on air pollution among brick field and transportation workers and owners; distribution of IEC materials; training to promote environment-friendly brick fields and vehicles; control air pollution and improve human health.


Raising public awareness on the dire necessity of planting, researching and conserving the varied and rare plant species of Bangladesh, POJF continues to inspire the mass people towards tree plantation and floral conservation with its ‘Tree Plantation & Informative Tree Name Plating’ program. Carried on since 2009 at diverse floral biodiversity hotspots of the country, including Ramna Park, Botanical Garden, Dhaka Zoo, and other significant conservation sites, this program is designed to raise awareness among people regarding the beneficial roles of plants, aid students, and researchers researching diverse floral resources, and create the necessary love and concern for conservation of Bangladesh’s floral diversity in people of all walks of life.
POJF also conducts tree plantation campaigns, and promotes plantation and nurturing of saplings of native plant species. Because, such native floral species are invaluable to our ecosystem, humans and wildlife. Still, they are on a continuously declining trend throughout Bangladesh. Again, to promote public interest and knowledge in floral conservation, informative name plates have been established in these areas under the care of POJF. To restore the natural glory of Bangladesh as well as to stop the scourge of environment pollution and climate change adversities, POJF aims to continue the Tree Plantation and ‘Informative Tree Name Plating’ program and motivate everyone to join in the movement for a Greener Bangladesh.


The world’s largest mangrove forest, the Sundarbans support Asia’s last two remaining species of freshwater dolphins – the Endangered Ganges River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica), and the Vulnerable Irrawaddy Dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris). Both species are classified as Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. To conserve these endangered River Dolphin Species, POJF in association with UNDP Bangladesh has produced informative Documentaries, TVC, Radio Promos, to raise awareness and build capacity of the communities and stakeholders to effectively manage the existing protected areas and ensure conservation activism.